Bi-Monthly Financial Market Forecasts

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...or Annually for just $390/yr $290/yr (get 2 months free!)
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What You Get When You Subscribe Today
Forecasts on 4 Global Markets
Gain insight into the likely roadmap on 4 major global markets, to enable you to make informed investment and business decisions, with our predictions giving a complete overview of the upcoming trends.
- Euro vs US Dollar (EUR/USD) Forecast Updates
- Dollar Index (DXY) Forecast Updates
- Gold vs US Dollar (XAU/USD) Forecast Updates
- Bitcoin vs US Dollar (BTC/USD) Forecast Updates
Additional Bonuses, Features & Tools
- An EXTRA forecast update around the 1st of each month on all 4 markets
- FREE Market Price Alerts via Email & SMS for any level and any market
- Live Charts on the above markets, and many more!
- Access to our head analyst, James Paynter, for all of your burning questions
Dual Time-Frame Forecasts
You will receive two forecasts for each of the 4 different markets we currently cover, covering two timeframes:
Medium-Long Term Forecast -
This gives the big picture overview as to where these markets are likely to head for the next few months and years, giving you the information you need to make long term strategic decisions as to WHAT you need to do to protect yourself and benefit from favourable moves.
These will be updated once a month, around the 15th, to give you the view ahead for the coming months and years.
Near Term Forecast -
This is like a zoomed in picture, providing you with an outlook for the probable market movement for the next few weeks. This gives you the information you need as to WHEN the optimal time is to execute on the above strategic decisions to minimize your risk, and maximize your savings and profits.
These will be updated twice a month, around the 1st and the 15th, to give you the view ahead for the coming weeks.
What Can This Information Do For You?
Skeptical on how this could benefit you in your decisions?
Well, let us show you some actual examples from our forecasts since publishing these to our inner circle of beta-testers, and how they would have profited handsomely by using the information to make make objective, informed and timely decisions.
The best we can do is show you our analysis and forecasting of two markets that have moved significantly in the last few years...
....being Bitcoin (BTC) ... and Gold (XAU)
What we predicted for Bitcoin back in March 2019:
By December 2018, Bitcoin had been in a downward trend for over 12 months, and since then it seemed to have been trading in a range.
With our March publication, our analysis showed in both our medium-long term forecast and near term forecast (see charts below) that the market was in the early stages of a multi-month bull run ...
... that was expected to see the market rise strongly over the coming months
... with an initial target of 5551 to 6035 in the coming weeks

As you can see, Bitcoin took off shortly after that to hit the above initial target levels a month later and continued to rise exponentially before hitting $13880 in June 2019.
Just imagine what that could have done for you if you had invested in Bitcoin in March 2019 at under $4000?
Conservatively, a tripling of your investment in just 3 months ...
... if you had invested $1000 in March, your investment would have increased to well over $3000 in June!
And then what happened?
Bitcoin retraced over the next few months before CRASHING to hit $3850 in March 2020, when COVID lockdowns hit globally.
At that point, everyone was panicking ... BIG TIME ... expecting Bitcoin to break the Dec 2018 low of 3122!
But our updated analysis on that SAME DAY was showing something very different...
...that Bitcoin had bottomed out and was expected to rise above 43000 before topping out an coming back to test 19666 support area (see below)

That was some pretty bold forecast, especially considering the sentiment at the time -
predicting over 11 TIMES increase in Bitcoin's value...
...and then predicting a drop back down to test 19666, possibly lower.
And what happened?
See below

As can be seen above:
We saw Bitcoin rally higher to hit 69000 in late 2021 - an almost 18 fold increase...
...before falling back down to make a low of 15479 in late 2022!
Pretty powerful stuff, huh?
Again, just imagine what you could have done with this information if you had been receiving it since March 2020?
...And what we forecast for Gold from March 2019:
As you can see from the chart below, Gold had been in a multi-month uptrend into the $1346 February 2019 high before correcting down to hit $1281 in March.
By the time we issued our forecast, the market had rallied strongly, with all expectations being for the market to rise to new monthly highs...
However, our analysis showed something different...
We instead saw the move up as merely a rally within a larger degree correction - which was expected to take the market down to the 1275-1231 area before the larger degree uptrend recommenced...
...which was expected to take the market into the 1483-1587 area in the following months.

Which is exactly what happened!
As you can see from our updated Near Term forecast in July 2019 (see below), Gold made a low of $1266.39 in early May before rising strongly over the following months - hitting a high of 1439 in late June 2019.
Our 15 July Near Term update showed the market slightly off at 1413.71, with the prediction being for Gold to strength still further before topping out in the next few weeks, with a possible target of of 1410 to 1498 area...
... but a chance of this extending further towards $1586 before doing so.

And what happened?
Gold hit a high of 1556.88 on 4 September before falling sharply, perfectly validating our medium term forecast back in March.
Again, just imagine what you could have done with this information if you had been receiving it since March?
This is a small sample of how these forecasts can totally revolutionize your decision making.
So What Can This Do For You as a Global Investor or Business with Currency Exposures?
Let's picture this hypothetical example: you're investing in a property offshore.
You're looking to invest in property in the USA, and your money is sitting in Euros, while you'll be purchasing the property in US Dollars. You'd like to make this investment within the next year.
So you start with the Long Term forecast for EURUSD, and you see that the Dollar will strengthen against the Euro over the coming years...
...great. This is just what you want to see. A USD investment is a smart move in terms of currency value.
But now the Euro is strong versus the Dollar, so how do you know this is the right time to invest?
Well, this is where it gets a bit more difficult...
...but this is where the Near Term Forecast comes into its own.
So now you drill down into a shorter, zoomed-in view of the EURUSD in the Near Term Forecast - and this is where it comes together.
The Near Term Forecast shows that the Euro will continue to be strong versus the USD for another 1-2 months, but then we will see the USD turn around.
Now you have got the complete picture...
So here's the game plan you can get from the forecasts:
- The USD will outperform the Euro in the next few years
- However, currently the Euro is strong, and will get stronger in the Short Term
- So, you will wait another 1-2 months based on the Near Term Forecast to get the most Dollars for your Euros to invest in the property, and keep following the levels to get the best time to trade your Euros.
- Then, over this long term investment, you'll continue to make better and better returns as the USD strengthens against the Euro - based on the Long Term Forecast.
And there lies the value of both sets of forecasts... you the tools to make the best long term decisions, while timing your investment transaction at the perfect time.
What Our Clients Say
"Your service with DFS's Bitcoin forecasts has been a breath of fresh air. The forecast are concise, easy to follow and based on a system that obviously works."
Having access to your forecasts has been an absolute gamechanger for me!
Carina Botha, Business Owner - Import Industry
I have grown to love having this information at my fingertips for my investment and forex decisions.
Apart from the significant savings I have achieved through your service, it has helped to keep my emotions in check.
That alone has paid for the service many times over!
Thank you!
I have always been someone who looks for as much information as possible when it comes to investing in Bitcoin, but the amount of noise, news and opinions that are out there is overwhelming. Your service with DFS's Bitcoin forecasts has been a breath of fresh air. The forecast are concise, easy to follow and based on a system that obviously works. They have helped me cut through all the noise and allowed me to take action when I should, instead of being caught up in all the gut-feel and FOMO emotional stuff. The info is priceless if you consider how much it removes emotions and the markets volatility. It pays for itself time and time again. You have called some incredible moves over the past months - and I have fortunately been in a position to profit handsomely from them, which has been awesome. Thanks Alex, I could not be happier about the service, truly amazing! I am here to stay - and have recommended your service to many others, as it is nothing to lose ... mega plenty to gain!
Jacques Pienaar, Music Artist
The Science Behind Our Forecasting System
How does it work?
What is the science and technology behind these forecasts?
All financial markets are moved by mass human sentiment – the millions of persons involved in the market make the decision to buy, sell or do nothing – based on the information available to them and their reaction to this information.
Now, the fact is that, as humans, almost all of our decisions are emotionally-driven – and then back these up with logic afterwards.
As we tend to have the same emotions in similar circumstances, we tend to also make the same (emotionally-driven) decisions in similar circumstances.
As a result, the price patterns that we see on any financial chart are patterns of mass human emotion – which tend to repeat themselves, as the market is driven from extremes of hope and greed, to fear and despair.
This is, in essence, the Elliott Wave Principle, which is the study of human behaviour in financial markets and the laws the govern this irrational yet predictable behaviour.

"What actually registers in the market's fluctuations are not the events themselves, but the human reactions to these events."
- Bernard Baruch, (1870‐1965) – stock market speculator,
statesman, and presidential advisor
Because these patterns repeat themselves in larger and smaller degrees, through analyzing historical patterns using a unique combination of Elliott Wave analysis, price and time wave ratios and momentum and time cycles, we are able to find a best fit for the current market in terms of shape and degree, which then gives us the most likely target for the current market in time and price – based on how the market has reacted historically.
And this is what we have been doing for hundreds of our clients since 2005.
Think of it like a weather forecast for financial markets…
In 2017, the USA and the Caribbean experienced one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricane seasons in history, with Harvey, Irma and Maria all being in the top 5 costliest hurricanes since record-keeping began in 1851.

These massive tropical cyclones caused a combined $215 billion in damage and creating a disaster that affected many, many millions of people.
And yet, many thousands of lives were saved due to one thing –
... a timely warning of what lay ahead.
In the days leading up to landfall, National Hurricane Center provided continual updates, giving the public a forecast of what to expect.
This included such information as anticipated path and speed, expected date and time of landfall, the forecast stormsurge on arrival, and then the expected windspeeds and rainfall.

How did they do this?
Through analyzing historical weather patterns.
And as technology has become better at analyzing these patterns, so the forecasts have become more dependable (Accuweather or Storm is never 100% right, but it is much better at getting it right than I am).
And this is no different, except we are using past patterns of human emotion to forecast future patterns.
And in the same way, giving persons time to make informed decisions – and take action. In time.
What Subscribing Today Will Do For You
What will this information do for you?
Simply, having access to this information will give you the answers you need to the following questions in order to be successful in these markets:
- What is present trend of the market in the longer and shorter timeframes?
- How far this trend is likely to extend within these timeframes?
- When is the market primed for a trend reversal in this timeframe?
- Where is the market likely to head after a trend reversal?
- At what prices level are these assumptions invalidated?
Having these answers gives you the ability to make better decisions as to WHAT to do through having an objective view of the roadmap ahead, but also WHEN to take action...
... enabling you to make rational, informed and well-timed decisions
...instead of emotionally charged knee-jerk decisions, which more than often are made at exactly the wrong time.
Simply put, it provides a roadmap and a framework to make better and informed decisions.
The net result for you:
- Less stress, anxiety and frustration as to what the market is doing
- More clarity and confidence when making your forex decisions
- Make smarter investment decisions, rather than going by gut feel
- More consistency in your finances with a clear outlook into the future
Wouldn't you like that, instead dealing with the stress, anxiety, frustration and anger from making bad decisions?
Well, here is your chance to experience it NOW...
Well, here is your chance experience it NOW...completely RISK-FREE.
Subscribe to our special 7 day free trial now...
... and start enjoying having an edge in these markets TODAY.
A FULL 7 DAYS FREE access and then 25% OFF...
Monthly for just $39/mth $29/mth
...or Annually for just $390/yr $290/yr (get 2 months free!)

FAQs & Guaranteees
How do I know when there are new forecasts?
We release forecasts twice a month, around 1st and the 15th. We also offer a free service of sending you a reminder email each and every time forecasts are updated. This means you are kept up to date at all times, and never miss a beat in the markets.
What if I don't find the forecasts of benefit?
In the unlikely event that this doesn't open your eyes to seeing the markets in a new light, then simply cancel your subscription. But please do so only after you have given yourself time to assess it properly. That's why we give you a 60 day money back guarantee - if you are dissatisfied for any reason, we will refund you up to 60 days of your subscription.
How do you accept payment?
You can pay us via a number of different options. We accept most credit cards for online transactions, and then effortless recurring billing to ensure uninterrupted access. We can also however, be paid via PayPal. Please contact us if you would like to use this option.
How do I know my information is safe with you?
All our website content is secured behind SSL Security, with everything being processed over an HTTPS SSL Secured connection. All your card details are stored on a server in America which has even better encryption and security than we have! So you can rest assured that your information is in safe hands
More questions? No problem!
Use the button on the bottom right hand of your screen to contact us either via live chat or email.
We will get back to you ASAP!